



I believe that many companies or brands that want to produce their own cosmetic products will choose cosmetic factories for OEM/ODM production. So what qualifications and procedures should be provided for cosmetics processing? Today, Zhou Gong from Zhuo Miao Industry will take you to find out.
      First of all, cosmetic processing is a matter for both the brand and the cosmetic manufacturer, and the development of work requires communication and cooperation between the two parties. At the same time, it is necessary to provide necessary written documents for cosmetic processing projects, which play a vital role in testing, filing and marketing. At this time, we must first understand what procedures are required for cosmetic processing?

1. What qualifications and procedures do customers without business licenses and trademarks need? For this type of cosmetics processing customer group, you can entrust cosmetics manufacturers to register business licenses and trademarks as agents. After the trademark and business license are issued, we can do cosmetics processing and other businesses. Remember, without a business license and trademark, you must first solve your own identity problem. You can register yourself, find an intermediary or entrust a cosmetics manufacturer to do this.
2. What qualifications and procedures do customers who have business licenses and no trademarks need? The development of cosmetics processing business requires the customer’s business license and trademark. If there is no trademark that needs to be registered, you can also find an agency or entrust a cosmetics manufacturer to complete the registration. Of course, if you don’t want to register with your own business license, you can register with the business license of the cosmetics manufacturer first, and then transfer the trademark back to your company.
3. What qualifications and procedures do customers with business licenses and trademarks need? For this type of cosmetics processing customers, they only need to provide their own company's business license, trademark, sign a cosmetics processing contract, production power of attorney and other procedures. In this way, cosmetics manufacturers can produce products for you. Subsequent inspection reports and product filings can be completed by the cosmetics manufacturer, which is very simple and convenient. Customers need to provide business license, trademark, power of attorney and other procedures.
Fourth, cosmetics manufacturers need to provide business licenses and cosmetics production licenses. At the same time, the client and the producer need to sign a cosmetics processing contract in order to carry out the cosmetics processing and production business.
Fifth, if you want to cooperate in OEM production, it is recommended to visit the site to inspect the scale and production conditions of the OEM factory. Generally, manufacturers with large scale and professional operation will be more powerful. Similarly, the quality of the cosmetics produced will be more guaranteed.
      由此可見,化妝品代加工需要提供什么資質(zhì)和手續(xù)需要根據(jù)客戶有沒有營業(yè)執(zhí)照和商標(biāo)以及其他相應(yīng)的具體要求來確定的。我們要根據(jù)具體情況具體對待。如果您有更多關(guān)于化妝品oem代加工的問題可以隨時咨詢浙江吉孚日化有限公司。我們是專業(yè)從事各類化妝品OEM/ODM加工生產(chǎn)的廠家,擁有豐富的生產(chǎn)經(jīng)驗。咨詢電話:周經(jīng)理  18067992255(微信同號)
It can be seen that what qualifications and procedures need to be provided for cosmetics agent processing needs to be determined according to whether the customer has a business license, trademark, and other corresponding specific requirements. We have to deal with it according to the specific situation. If you have more questions about cosmetic oem processing, you can always consult Hangzhou Zhuo Miao Industrial Co., Ltd. Inquiry Tel: Manager Zhou 18067992255 (same number on WeChat)